The importance of modernizing technology in educational organizations for a new era.

NetSuite for Educational Organizations: Regardless of where your organization fits in a large and diverse market, it is likely your vision is being led by innovation in this digital technology era. The cloud is enabling better access to information, textbooks, materials, and study guides throughout all levels of education.

Even with a technological, future-focused industry, organizations are still struggling with inefficiencies with outdated systems to manage their accounting and operations with point solutions, bolt-ons, spreadsheets, and on-premise solutions.

The future requires replacement, and it’s revolutionizing the world of education. Discover how NetSuite provides complete business intelligence to support the organization, with a single integrated business management solution for sales, finance, inventory, ecommerce, accounting, and more.




NetSuite for educational organizations

What is the impact of mismanaged back-office business processes? Learn the 5 common challenges of education companies today:


  1. Operational inefficiencies: Educational companies struggle with waisted time dealing with compliance demands and expenses related to managing IT.
  2. Fragmented Back-office Environment: Manual processes within disconnected systems create frustration throughout the organization.
  3. Integrated Financials: With multiple schools or locations, many education companies struggle to close the books quickly with different sets of books and spreadsheets.
  4. Business Growth: Opening new locations and expanding business can create challenges with existing software solutions and their inability to scale quickly.
  5. Understanding Important Business Metrics: Educational companies struggle to gain insight into profitability, ultimately affecting their products, services, or go-to-market strategy.

Implementing the right technology can provide your educational organization the visibility, accuracy, and optimization it needs to compete. NetSuite ensures continuity that can grow and scale with your business from day one and push your business ahead of the curve every year.

NetSuite Product Features for Education

FINANCIALS: Comprehensive, Real-Time Finance and Accounting in the Cloud

  • Track and monitor workflows and important business processes.
  • Eliminate error with automated processes instead of spreadsheets and manual data entry.
  • Improve performance throughout the entire organization with role-based dashboards.
  • Achieve complete visibility into financials with pre-built reporting and accounting capabilities.
  • Report financials accurately and quickly with applicable accounting standards.

REPORTING AND ANALYTICS: Real-Time Business Intelligence

  • Real-time business intelligence and transparency into performance within all business functions.
  • Gain compliance and fully automate business processes with robust security.
  • Create dashboards, reports with KPIs, operational data and financial data at your fingertips.
  • Combine all business data into one single integrated source accessible from anywhere, at anytime.

CRM: Gain a 360-degree view of your constituents

  • Enhance customer relationships with complete visibility into sales, finance, and support.
  • Build reporting around customer interactions and trends available for the entire company.
  • Create and generate targeted marketing campaigns and segments to leads and prospects.
  • Learn more about your customers with their true lifetime value.
  • Manage the complete customer lifecycle


  • Easy-to-use reporting across the business.
  • Enhance budget accuracy with rolling 12-month forecasts and compare actual versus projections.
  • Improve budget with a single integrated version of the truth.
Is NetSuite ERP Right For Your Business? Essential Questions To Ask


  • Gain complete, real-time visibility into financial trends throughout the organization.
  • Easily request approval to acquire services and goods.
  • Ensure compliance with policies and establish budget with spend controls.
  • Enhance procurement for frequent requirements with schedules, specified pricing, and terms.


  • Accelerate the pledge-to-payment with a complete donation cycle.
  • Automatically make giving easy by establishing a gift-to-cash lifecycle.
  • Manage donations online and automate schedules and recurring processes.
  • Automate membership billing and manage all transactions in a single system.


  • Create seamlessly integrated online stores connected to inventory, marketing, and accounting.
  • Accept payments, donations and contributions for fixed and variable amounts.
  • Achieve a complete view of your supporters and increase engagement with promotions.
  • Manage online and phone orders in a single location.


  • Effortlessly adapt to currency, taxes, and legal compliance locally, regionally, and globally.
  • Easily manage fulfillment and inventory across multiple locations.
  • Global CRM provides visibility into campaigns and forecasts in multiple languages and currencies.
  • Reduce time to close with real-time management and financial automation
NetSuite Stairway Education Organizations

Benefits experienced by organizations using NetSuite include:

• Lower IT expenses by more than 50%

• Accelerated financial close cycle by 20%-50%

• Fewer (DSO) Days Sales Outstanding by 10%-20%

• Reduced order-to-cash process by 50%+

• Decreased audit development time by 50%

Are you currently evaluating ERP software for your business?

Utilize NetSuite’s all-in-one software suite to run your school operations with more efficiency, lowered costs, and administrative overhead in the cloud.

It’s time to deploy new business software quickly and cost-effectively, so it can grow with you as your business scales! Learn why fast-growing companies of all sizes and industries are rapidly adopting NetSuite to help fuel growth with real-time visibility across the business, lowered costs, better decision-making, and an enhanced customer service level.

Protelo is an award-winning NetSuite reseller, and a fully staffed software consulting firm here for your business. We are experts in software evaluation, licensing, customizations, implementations, and services. Our direct-to-expert access means that there are no call centers or chat lines to go through to access our NetSuite consultants. Our team is here for you.


Contact Protelo today for:

• A customized demo from an Oracle NetSuite top-tier expert at Protelo.
• A personalized 14-day trial of NetSuite #ERP, if necessary.
• NetSuite pricing & a full project quote for your business (obligation-free).

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