How Does NetSuite Pricing Work? 


The Suite: The NetSuite ERP suite you choose is an industry-specific set of modules bundled into a package with the base ERP functionality
and SuiteSuccess pre-configuration.  

For example: 

Base NetSuite ERP Functionality:  
G/L, Accounts Payable, Purchasing, Inventory, Order Entry, A/R, Expense Reporting, Advanced Shipping with integrated shipping, NetSuite Subsidiary Management within customer's home country for a single currency. Additional countries/currencies require separate purchase of OneWorld, Productivity tools including contacts/calendar/events, Customer, Vendor and Partner Center logins.
NetSuite CRM Sales Force Automation with quote and order management, Marketing Automation with campaigns; Customer Service/Support  
NetSuite Subsidiary Management within customer's home country for a single currency. Additional countries/currencies require separate purchase of OneWorld  
NetSuite Work Orders and Assemblies Cloud Service  
NetSuite Inventory Management Cloud Service  
NetSuite Demand Planning Cloud Service  
NetSuite Advanced Electronic Bank Payments 
SuiteSuccess Starter Edition – up to 10 
SuiteSuccess Standard Edition – up to 30 
SuiteSuccess Premium Edition – 31-100 

All these elements make up the list price of a NetSuite annual subscription. The example above is for a manufacturing edition, but there are NetSuite SuiteSuccess vertical editions for many industries such as Wholesale Distribution, Non-Profit, Services and more.

A seasoned NetSuite partner can help you solution your package and negotiate pricing. In many cases, Protelo has helped clients pare down their initial ERP needs, avoiding excess upfront cost. 


Protelo has a 2-minute NetSuite Pricing and Fee Calculator to get the conversation started for your business. 


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What are the User Types in NetSuite? 

There are several user types in NetSuite ERP, and each of them has an associated NetSuite user cost.

NetSuite General Access Users 

Most users are employees, but vendors, partners, and customers can also be users. 

FAQ About General Access Users: 

  • Users need to be set up in the NetSuite system through the creation of employee, vendor, partner, or customer records. For users to access NetSuite, their records must include an email address (which serves as their user ID) and a password. 
  • Each role includes a set of associated permissions that determine the data users can see and the tasks they can perform. For example, the “A/P Clerk” role lets users enter bills and vendor credits, pay bills and sales tax, and view A/P and inventory reports. 
  • Each role is tied to a “center”—a set of tabbed pages that display as the NetSuite user interface. Each center is tailored to the business needs of users in a specific functional area, such as accounting or sales. A role's center determines the pages that users see when they log into NetSuite. 
  • A user may be assigned multiple roles. In this case, the user has a default role used for login, and can switch among roles by using the Change Roles icon in the NetSuite user interface. 

Employee Center Users

The Employee Center provides employees with the ability to track and approve time, enter, and approve expense reports, review and respond to cases and update personal information. This will be a user that does not transact in the system but may enter expenses or need to track their time. These users are available in packs of five for the cost of one General Access user.   


SuitePeople HR User

The SuitePeople HR user builds upon all the functionality of the employee center user with added functionality for Human Resources without adding much cost to your NetSuite contract. 


Vendor and Customer Users 

Vendors and customers can be added to the portal for free. 

  • The Vendor Center provides vendors access to vendor records such as bills and bill payments, and their company information, such as address and phone number. 

  • The Customer Center provides customers with access to estimates, sales orders, payments, support cases and their company information such as addresses and phone numbers.  


Manufacturing Execution System Users 

These limited users are available to packages that utilize NetSuite Advanced Manufacturing or NetSuite Manufacturing Mobile only.  

  • Enables bar code scanning and supported use of wireless tablet 
  • Automated Work Order Completions   



Is NetSuite affordable? Can my small business use NetSuite?  

NetSuite Starter Edition is an affordable all-in-one solution for small businesses. NetSuite Starter Edition allows up to ten General Access users and is the perfect choice for streamlined business management.

It includes:

  • Comprehensive Business Tools: Consolidate accounting, CRM, and inventory management in one platform for efficiency. 
  • Scalable Solution: Grow your business without worrying about outgrowing your software. 
  • Affordable Pricing: Get top-notch functionality within your budget. Starter editions can be up to 50% less expensive than traditional ERPs. 
  • User-Friendly Interface: Easy-to-navigate design ensures quick setup and minimal training. 
  • Real-Time Insights: Make informed decisions with instant access to vital data. 
  • Dedicated Support and Starter Implementation: Our team is here to assist you every step of the way. Protelo has small business software activation costs that will provide the full base functionality of the software, with less barrier to entry with time and cost.  
Cost of NetSuite Editions (Starter, Standard and Premium)  
  1. NetSuite SuiteSuccess Starter Edition - NetSuite SuiteSuccess Starter edition is available for up to 10 user licenses. This edition has the full functionality of an enterprise ERP, at a lower cost of entry, think less than a used car cost-wise. This is best for single entity companies. 
  1. NetSuite SuiteSuccess Standard Editions - NetSuite Mid-Market editions can have user licenses for 11-30 General Access users. This is the most popular ERP edition choice, and the cost can range based upon a la carte modules and users chosen. 
  1. NetSuite Premium Edition - A more comprehensive base package of NetSuite for up to 100 General Access Users. 100+ General Access users requires the purchase of a Premium Service Tier in addition to the Premium package. This is a custom cost that we can scope out for you with a short phone call.  


Is NetSuite for Large Businesses? What is the cost of Enterprise NetSuite?

The cost of NetSuite grows with business complexity. Because of the modularized functionality within NetSuite, phasing into advanced functionality is a common path to success. Many customers will start with an industry-specific base NetSuite ERP package, then once implemented, and live on NetSuite—will add modules for global financials such as OneWorld, Revenue Recognition, Fixed Assets and Advanced Manufacturing modules, for example. Licensing NetSuite in phases can lessen the upfront cost of the system, allowing you to realize return on the investment before additional additional costs.  

NetSuite ERP can be less expensive (but just as powerful) than other large players in the enterprise ERP world such as SAP and Oracle Fusion because of its scalable model. Many enterprise businesses run on NetSuite ERP such as Williams-Sonoma, AMEX, C.O. Bigelow and more. NetSuite easily handles global financials, acquisitions/divestitures/mergers, new product lines and large employee ecosystems—making it the perfect ERP to grow with your enterprise.  



What are the available NetSuite modules? 

NetSuite is divided into the following functional areas, all with modules that are built upon these core business processes. Visit the NetSuite Add-On module page for more in-depth information such as demo videos, datasheets, and more resources.  

Interested in NetSuite ERP module pricing? Start here and we can build a custom module package for your business today.  

  • Financial Management: Gain control over your finances with features like accounting, financial planning, and budgeting. Fixed Assets, NetSuite Planning and Budgeting, NetSuite Account Reconciliation and NetSuite Accounts Payable Automation are available under the financial management umbrella.  

  • Supply Chain Management: Optimize your supply chain with tools for inventory management, procurement, and order fulfillment. Advanced procurement, warehouse management, vendor management are all available in NetSuite SCM functionality.  

  • Manufacturing: Streamline production processes, manage work orders, and track production costs with integrated manufacturing modules. 

  • Order Management: Simplify order processing, manage sales orders, and improve customer satisfaction with efficient order management tools. 

  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Strengthen customer relationships with CRM modules that provide a 360-degree view of your customers and prospects. 

  • Human Capital Management (HCM): Manage your workforce effectively with modules for payroll, time tracking, and employee management. 

  • Ecommerce: Drive online sales and streamline ecommerce operations with integrated ecommerce modules. 

  • Business Intelligence (BI): Make data-driven decisions with powerful reporting and analytics tools that provide insights into your business performance. 



NetSuite Implementation Cost 

The cost of NetSuite implementation varies just as much as the licensing cost, based on the project's complexity, the chosen modules, and the experience of your NetSuite implementation team. 

NetSuite implementation costs range from $25,000 USD to $200,000 USD on average. NetSuite implementation can be paid as an upfront fee with agreed upon actions (fixed bid) or on Time and Materials (only pay for what is performed in the implementation).

There are several factors that influence the NetSuite ERP implementation cost such as:

  • Experienced resources available on the client side to take on work 
  • The amount of data that will need to be cleansed and migrated to NetSuite 
  • The experience of your NetSuite implementation partner 
  • Availability of implementer resources (are they onshore and available in your workday?) 
  • When working with NetSuite directly, they may mention their Global Business Unit is implementing NetSuite; it is best to clarify what that means and in what area of the world most of the work will be done.  
  • If the implementation cost seems like too good of a deal, it probably is going to be insufficient in unforeseen ways. 
  • Ask to meet your implementation project manager up front, a quality implementer can produce that person easily. If they do not have one assigned or do not know who it will be, consider that a major red flag! 

Get the Guide: Ten Steps to a Successful NetSuite Implementation 


Here are key best practices to follow for a successful NetSuite implementation:

Thorough Planning: Before diving into implementation, conduct comprehensive planning sessions with your project team and partner to outline your goals, requirements, and timelines. This ensures a structured approach and minimizes potential setbacks. Work sessions with your implementation team should be frequent and thorough.  

Engage Stakeholders: Involve key stakeholders from different departments (finance, operations, HR, sales, etc.) in the implementation process. Their insights and feedback will be invaluable in customizing NetSuite to meet your business needs effectively. Even if you intend to integrate sections of NetSuite such as CRM, involve the team to ensure data, workflows and approvals are moving properly through the two connected systems.  

Clear Communication: Maintain open and transparent communication with your implementation team and stakeholders. Regular updates on progress, challenges, and milestones foster trust and alignment throughout the process. 

Proper Training: Invest in a partner that provides thorough training for your team to ensure they're equipped to leverage NetSuite's features effectively. This minimizes resistance to change and maximizes user adoption post-implementation. Your partner should have a proven UAT (User Acceptance Testing) script and methodology to ensure proper adoption.  

Data Migration Strategy: Develop a robust strategy for migrating data from existing systems to NetSuite. Ensure data integrity and accuracy throughout the migration process to avoid disruptions to your business operations. Working with a team that not only has technical acumen, but business acumen, can ensure the correct data in the correct context is brought over into NetSuite from your legacy system.  

Customization with Caution: While NetSuite offers extensive customization capabilities, avoid over-customization. Stick to essential customizations that align with your business processes and objectives to prevent complexity and maintenance issues down the line. 

Test and Iterate: Conduct rigorous testing at each stage of implementation to identify and address any issues promptly. Continuously gather feedback from users and iterate on the configuration as needed to optimize system performance. 

Post-Implementation Support: Plan for ongoing support and maintenance post-implementation. Whether it is internal resources or external consultants, having dedicated support ensures smooth operations and quick resolution of any issues that may arise. 


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NetSuite ERP License and Implementation FAQ:

1. How long is the NetSuite ERP license? 

It is up to you and what is best for your business. You can lock in your initial NetSuite term (keep the negotiated pricing) for anywhere between one to five years. After this initial period, you will negotiate a renewal on your NetSuite license. A transparent and ethical NetSuite partner can help you understand your contracts, your rights when renewing with NetSuite, and what the best path forward is for what elements of the contract are important to you as a business executive.  

2. What is the monthly/annual cost of NetSuite? 
  • NetSuite consulting hourly cost is $150-300 an hour, on average.
  • NetSuite integrations cost anywhere from $1,000-$15,000 depending on complexity and if there is a pre-built integration.
  • NetSuite implementations cost $25,000-$200,000+.
  • NetSuite licensing is on an annual payment basis, generally, but there are other NetSuite payment options that can be negotiated by a seasoned partner. 

For the NetSuite license cost, expect to pay more for NetSuite than QuickBooks or other small business accounting-only software. NetSuite is a full Enterprise Resource Planning system that has starter packages for businesses with revenue as low as $2 million per year, and NetSuite also runs businesses in the billions revenue-wise. Protelo can help you put together a NetSuite licensing package and negotiate discounts that fit within your budget.  

Protelo also has an implementation methodology that will help you realize a return on your investment quicker. NetSuite will cost comparable to, or less than, other major ERPs like Infor, Acumatica, Microsoft Dynamics, etc. In general, NetSuite will cost less than an employee per year, yet the functionality within will run your entire business. 

3. How do I add users or modules? 

Once you purchase NetSuite, you can easily add users and modules to your current NetSuite contract. They will be added, in most cases, pro-rated for the end of your initial contract term. Provisions are simple—contact your Protelo Account Manager for an electronic document to sign, and get the new functionality provisioned! Individual modules, as well as users, start at a few dollars per month and range into the hundreds per month.


4. What if I go above the number of licenses in my NetSuite package? 

If you need more licenses than the package you initially bought (i.e., license number 11 on a starter package), you will do a SuiteUpgrade, which is provisioning an upgraded package to your account. The SuiteUpgrade replaces your current NetSuite contract. It is not a re-implementation, your NetSuite account will function the same as before (the beauty of the SuiteSuccess functionality), if there are additional modules included in the base package of the upgraded package, those will need to be set up. 

5. What does NetSuite integrate with? 

NetSuite has certified integrations in their rigorously vetted app marketplace SuiteApp. 

NetSuite-owned Integrations include: 

  • NetSuite and Salesforce Integration 
  • NetSuite and Amazon Integration 
  • NetSuite and Shopify Integration 
  • NetSuite and WooCommerce Integration 
  • NetSuite and Walmart Integration 
  • NetSuite and eBay Integration 
  • NetSuite POS integrations 

NetSuite also partners with iPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service) companies that have pre-built middleware to integrate many platforms like laboratory management systems, SolidWorks, business intelligence applications and more. 

If you simply need to bring external data into your NetSuite instance to report on and use with data already in NetSuite, the NetSuite Analytics Warehouse module could be a great option to discuss with your NetSuite partner.

Your Guide to Oracle NetSuite

Experienced NetSuite Experts Here for you!

Are you evaluating NetSuite for your business? Not sure what your options are for licensing or support? Want to see a custom demo tailored to your business and your needs?

If you answered yes to any of these questions—we can help! There’s a reason why hundreds of NetSuite customers have switched to Protelo for direction and service on all things NetSuite. Our team is here to help and support you!

what does netsuite cost

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1. Top Benefits of NetSuite

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2. Gartner Analysis: Why Companies Choose NetSuite

Evaluating Business Software? Discover Why Gartner Recognizes NetSuite as a Top ERP Solution for Companies.

3. The Importance of ERP

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